Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tell Me Thursday: 5/3/12 Edition

Tell Me Thursday, ABOUT Wordless Wednesday!
Yes, yesterday's image was quite the word taker. At least it was for me. It birthed a Great, BIG sigh when I noticed that warning label. You see, I remember waaaay back  in the day when that woman actually sued McDonalds because she stuck her own coffee between her legs and burnt herself ... with McDonalds coffee. She sued, because it was after all McDonald's drive thru, and obviously they should have TOLD her it was HOT. Class, this was BEFORE iced coffee was a trend, the only coffee you GOT was HOT. If it was even luke warm, it was undesirable!

I believe that was the era in which we became a litigious society. When our loss of common sense became more and more apparent with each passing week as we heard of more and more STUPID lawsuits. I mean, if you can survive spilling your own coffee and become a millionaire ... right?

So I come up with a suggestion for Con Air. I doubt they'll take it, but I don't doubt that they would smile if they heard it:


Go ahead. Pin it. You know you want to :)
While you're over there at Pinterest, look me up! Visit Brandy while you're there!

1 comment:

  1. My suggestion would be for the tag to read "Caution-This product can burn anything on your body, or any other surface that cannot withstand heat above 300 degrees"'s pretty specific as is.... : ) hahaha
